East Carolina Amateur Baseball League
Taxi Squad
TAXI Squad Details and Requirements
Taxi Squad players can only play in games in an age division for which they are eligible.
18+ Division games are mostly on Sundays.
35+ Division games are mostly on Tuesday and Wednesday nights.
Players may be called at the last minute to play, but we will try to give as much notice as possible.
Players must have own equipment -- glove, wooden bat, baseball pants.
Players must supply cell phone number AND email address for contact.
If you commit to play for a specific game, you must show up. If you do not show up, you will be removed from taxi squad.
There is no cost to be on the taxi squad or to play as a taxi squad player.
There is no guarantee that you will play. Players are called based on a team's need of a player and availability of taxi squad players.
Taxi squad players can attend team practices by contacting managers.
In most cases, free agent or non-affiliated players will be chosen to play before current, active players.